Over 6,000 people meet in Lurrama to defend the "nourishing land"
  • On 24 October, more than 6,000 people met in Arbona to "defend the land that feeds". In fact, the organisers have pointed out that each year some 650 hectares of land for food are eliminated. The struggle not to sell land for 120 days has ended with the support of the citizens who have come to the Lurrama festival.
2021eko urriaren 26a
Argazkia: Lurrama.

In an assessment made public by the Lurrama organization team, "from 10 a.m. many people have approached Berroeta. In this place, the concerns of the world of agriculture around land for 120 days are expressed, the land that we should use to feed ourselves is continuously escaping from agriculture."

Lehendakari, Iñaki Berhocoirigoin, recalled that 650 hectares of land for food (according to SAFER’s xifrees) are vanished each year and could be used to feed people. They have artificialized 250 hectares, others or dedicated to shafts or recreation.

Lurramak and those responsible for the EHLG have reminded the electorate of the "urgency of putting a sustainable solution to the problem of the terrain". During the day the old saying "The Land Sold, Lost Forever" resonated.

The attending families have enjoyed a broad program: orchard, cabala and games during the morning and throughout the afternoon concerts in a festive atmosphere. The organization thanked all the participants in the note sent to the media, "to be private as public, and in particular to the 500 partners who have mobilized as soon as possible."

Posted by Lurzaindia on Sunday, October 24, 2021