The list of those indebted to the Treasury has been published in Navarre, including former politicians and sportsmen
  • The Tax Agency of Navarre has published on its website on Tuesday a list of 580 debtors who owe more than 120,000 euros to the Tax Agency in Navarre, which includes natural and legal persons. They owe a total of 270.7 million euros to Navarre. The company “Navarra de Edificaciones SA” is the first in the list with 5.9 million euros.
Maddi Txintxurreta @mtxintxurreta 2018ko maiatzaren 30
Garbiel Urralburu, Nafarroako presidente ohia

On the other hand, the winery of the family of Ana Beltrán, president of the PP of the community, Camilo Castilla, owes 925,000 euros. Beltran says it has nothing to do with the management and administration of the company since 2011.

Also on the list of “big debtors” are the former president of Navarre, Gabriel Urralburu, the former mayor of Egues, Ignacio Galipienzo, the former players of Health “Pizo” Gómez and Kristianz Vadocz, or the former cyclists Denis Menchov and Vladimir Karpets.

Gabriel Urralburu has a debt of 426,747 euros, 65,024 euros less than last year. Also on the list for the first time this year was the mayor of Egues, Ignacio Galipienzo. In 2009, he was convicted of a corruption offence and owes EUR 160,095 to the Treasury.

55 natural or legal persons owed more than one million euros to the Tax Office of Navarre on December 31, 2017. The company that owes the most is Navarra de Edificaciones S.A., with 5.9 million euros, while the other three companies have debts of between 3 and 5 million euros: Constructora Aldabe SL, Ecay-Andueza SL and Estructuras Corellanas SL. The total number of construction companies on the list is 26.