The Gipuzkoa Treasury has published the list of taxpayers who owe more than EUR 1 million, which can be seen in full. In 2019, there are 53 natural and legal persons who owe more than that amount, including a debt of EUR 292 million. They are 13 subjects less than the previous year, but the debt is EUR 55 million.
In 2015 he changed his name to Yeregui Desarrollo SL. Yeregui Desarrollo, S.L., made Proinsa Desarrollo Siglo XXI SL only in 2008, but until then its president was Javier Artetxe Tarascon, its secretary, José Antonio Agirre Retegi, and its advisor, Luis María Maya Galarraga (here you can see the itineraries of these companies). As explained by the Berria medium, this debt has to do with a failed real estate construction operation started by Kutxa in 2004 with several construction industry entrepreneurs.
These are the first in the list based on the number of debts:
Lagilur S.L. Over EUR 80 million.
José Ramón Osinalde Etxaniz. Over EUR 31 million.
Juan Miguel de Osinalde Etxaniz. Over EUR 31 million.
LH Commodities & Investments SL. Over EUR 21 million.
Fagor Appliances S. Coop. Over EUR 8 million.
The corner of the Ebanista. Over EUR 6 million.
Tecfrindus S.A. Over EUR 6 million.
Constructions and contracts of Gedi SL. Over EUR 5 million.
Aretxabaleta laminatuak S.A. Over EUR 5 million.
Lumen Pacis S.L. Over EUR 5 million.
Stationary araxes. Over EUR 5 million.
Refrigeration Ramón Vizcaíno. Over EUR 5 million.
Farms of Elizalde. Over EUR 4 million.
Lagun Artea Industries. Over EUR 4 million.
Bilore, S.A. (in liquidation). 3.7 million.
Henco constructions and contracts. Over EUR 3 million
Amaroz bin. Over EUR 3 million