Half a hundred deaths in the fascist attack on two mosques in New Zealand
  • Shortly after the aggression had taken place, four persons were arrested and detained. One of them, accused of participating in the aggression, is under suspicion of being a murderer. Two others are under investigation. Fourth available.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko martxoaren 15
Atentatuak gertatu eta beherala agertu zen polizia.

Police chief Mike Bush has confirmed that automatic gun shootings have taken place in two mosques in Christchurch. The Ertzaintza spokesman has reported that 49 people are dead and 40 others have been injured. The number of deaths and injuries will therefore change. In the two mosques it is estimated that there were about 400 people at the time of the attacks.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has described the attacks in the capital as "terrorist attacks". “The deceased are members of our migrant community, New Zealand is their home,” he added.

The authorities have insisted that the members of the mosque belong to the local population and have called for the closure of all mosques.

References to racism and fascists

Numerous paedophile content writings have been found in the arms chargers used by the aggressor. They include references to attacks on migrants, names of people who have committed racist attacks and wars between Christians and Muslims. According to several media reports, one of them is Joshua Estébanez. In 2007, on the Madrid metro, the young Carlos Palomino was stabbed and killed by the police.