Euskadi Irratia turns 40 years since her first issue
  • On November 23, 1982 Euskadi Irratia made the first words known, and has since been in operation 24 hours. The first in the EITB group, together with the Basque television network. They were later created in Spanish.
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Julian Belokiren hitzak izan ziren Euskadi Irratian entzun ziren lehenak. / Argazkia: EITB

Wednesday is 40 years since the first issue of the Basque Country. On 23 November 1982 at 12:00 a.m. the emission red light is first lit: "Euskadi Irratia, an important step by the Basque Government in the Basque media. For the Basque Country and the Basque Country", these words of Julián Beloki were the first. Without forgetting the background, those who have kept Euskadi Irratia going year after year have set a very important path.

At first it was 30 people. Journalists and philologists: “Our concern was that we should do well in Basque; then we would learn to do radio,” said Eitb the first director, Joxe Mari Oacabq. Otermin came from Popular Radio and with it more journalists working on Catholic radio came together. Popular Radio emerged during Franco and held some sessions in Basque thanks to its religious character.

The Basque Parliament adopted on 20 May 1982 the Law on the Creation of Basque Radio Television. Euskadi Irratia started operating when he had not yet created the company, and shortly after, on 31 December 1982, the Basque television premiered.

Later, the Spanish strings emerged: EITB 2 and Radio Euskadi and Radio Vitoria. Later, Euskadi Gaztea was created, in Basque, and Eitb Musika, alternating both languages.

Euskadi Irratia has had three headquarters in Donostia: the first in Andía Street looking at La Concha, the next in Larramendi Street in Amara and has remained since they jumped to Miramón.

On the anniversary, radio has
moved to the street on the 40th anniversary. From 07:00 to 10:00 hours Iñaki Guridi has performed the informative Faktoria in the Market Square of Vitoria. Current and former workers meet to talk: Irati Barrena eta Jon Aizpurua; Julen San Martín and Joxelu Aranburu; and Julian Beloki and Ane Zuazubiskar. The magazine directed by Maider Segurola has continued, in the Geltoki Room of Pamplona, from 10:00 to 13:00.

In the afternoon, the Baipasa team moved to the Azkuna center of Bilbao, led by Olaia Urtiaga. Bingen Amadoz, journalist and writer of Euskadi Irratia, Iosu Ganuza, speaker of Euskalerria Irratia, and Bakarne Atxukarro, journalist and writer have been invited in Faktoria.