3,507 deaths due to Francoist repression in Navarre between 1936 and 1948
  • The Documentation Fund of the Historical Memory of Navarra has recorded in its database a total of 3,507 victims residing or killed in Navarra. There were 2,934 murders, 448 deaths in prison and 125 in other repressive contexts.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko irailaren 21
Webgunean kontsulta daitekeen mapetako bat: "Eraildako lagunen kopurua hildakoaren auzotasun udalerriaren arabera (1936-1948)"

The report has been presented by UPNA professor Fernando Mendiola, who would update previous ones. The database includes the deceased: political or union militancy, homeland, place of residence or date of death.

With the presentation of the report, a mapping section has been opened on the web (open "Maps" can be found in the main menu). You can see the number of deaths and rates for each locality.