A 35-year-old woman dies in Aduna working with tractor on apple harvesting
  • The accident takes place at noon on Tuesday. It appears that the tractor he was driving has hit a tree and is trapped between the tree and the tractor.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko irailaren 20a
Dirudienez, traktoreak atzerantz irrist egin, zuhaitza jo eta harrapatuta geratu zen emakumea. (Argazkia: Sagardoaren lurraldea)

A worker dies in Aduna (Gipuzkoa) trapped between the tractor he was driving and a tree. The deceased is a 35-year-old woman who was collecting apples. Apparently, the tractor slips back, hits the tree and gets caught.

The accident occurs at noon on Tuesday and when the health services and firefighters approach the deceased worker. The Ertzaintza begins an investigation to clarify what happened.