More than 32,000 people turn to the food bank in Navarre
  • Although macroeconomic data indicate that the economy is improving, the food bank of Navarre says that for many citizens the situation is different.
Nahia Ibarzabal @NahiaIbarzabal 2018ko uztailaren 18a
Nafarroako elikagai bankua

The distribution of food grew between 2008-2014, while in the last four years the number of people applying for help in the food bank has begun to decline. However, many Navarrese people still need this help in order to feed themselves. It has a total of 32,791 people.

The members of the food bank explain in the newspaper Noticias that what has changed is the profile of the people, because despite the decrease in unemployment, the precariousness has increased.

The bank obtains food thanks to the support of the producers of Navarre, the community of Pamplona and the European Union and the project is alive thanks to 180 volunteers who work every day.

According to Joaquín Fernández, president of the food bank, some people at work also need help. “It is true that the crisis has improved, but not as many as want to convince us.”

They distribute 102 kilos of food a year, “we distribute eleven kilos per euro, but our goal for the future is to increase the amount of food.”

He added that they have also developed a close relationship with the schools because “most of us who are working are older and we need young people.”