32 years later it is "early" for the Prosecutor to release Ion Parot.
  • The Paris Anti-Terrorist Court has examined the request for conditional release 6, which was consulted this Friday in favour of Ion Parot, and, as I expected, the Prosecutor has been against it because, in his view, it is premature to remove the prisoner.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko maiatzaren 13a
Apirilean Esnal eta Parot anaiak askatzeko Urruñan egindako mobilizazioa.(Argazkia: @Artisans_Paix)

This Friday we saw the reasons for and against the defence of the release of Ion Parot and the prosecutor. The Paris Hearing will now deliver a judgment on 15 June. The prosecutor said "it's early," but Parot has been in prison for 32 years, serving a sentence of the entire prison. He is currently in Murete prison.

It should be noted, however, that it is not common for someone to remain in prison for such a long time, even if there are cases. To protest this decision, a rally is called on Friday at 7:00 p.m. in front of the Baiona Municipal House.

The Paris Chamber of Call will also look at Jakes Esnal’s petition for freedom on 19 May. Like Parot, he has also been in prison for 32 years. The same goes for Unai Parot, brother of Ion, in Leon prison (Spain). All three were arrested in 1990 when they were members of the ETA Argala command.