3,000 signatures in ten days to demand the withdrawal of N-121-A trucks
  • The citizen's platform created around the N-121-A that crosses the Belate tunnel has asked the Government of Navarra to divert the traffic of trucks through the Leitzaran motorway. has carried out a study and in 2020 25% of fatal accidents occurred on this road.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko ekainaren 24a
Nafarroako errepide hilgarriena da Iruñetik Behobiara doana. Irudian, asteazken gauen kamioia errepidetik aterata (arg.: Foruzaingoa)

The citizen platform created around the conflict of N-121-A, which causes the most deaths in Navarre, has collected 3,000 signatures in ten days to ask the Government of Navarra to divert traffic through the A-15. In his view, this, in addition to reducing road accidents and mortality, would "improve the quality of life of citizens and peoples".

The platform’s spokesman, Mikel Uriarte, appeared before the media at the press conference on Thursday. In his opinion, there is "data and reasons" for asking "this deviation". Precisely, together with the Huarte Road Safety platform, they have asked the RACC foundation for an investigation into the benefits that could result from this deviation in the light of the data.

On the road between Pamplona and Behobia between 2009 and 2020 41 people died in traffic accidents, and in the last year four people died, 25% of the deaths due to traffic accidents in Navarre, although it accounts for only 1.6% of the road networks in Navarre.

As far as truck traffic is concerned, there are 2,700 lorries every day, 70% of which have no origin or destination in this way, that is, they are in step. Ugarte explained that the A-15 is "under-used" and that truck traffic has been reduced by 36% in the area. The platform considers that the truck output from the N-121-A would "help a lot" to reduce the risk: "Regardless of who is responsible, the reality is that when a car collides with a truck, in the usual way, the driver and the occupants are murdered and the truck driver is unclean."

The platform considers that the foral government has legal mechanisms to force trucks to move through the A-15 or a toll highway. As you have explained, they do so in Europe, and this measure is also being implemented in Catalonia or La Rioja.