More than 300 organizations in Navarre ask for permission to practice self-consumption orchards
  • A total of 97 municipalities, 36 councils, 5 supramunicipal public entities, 3 rural development groups, 18 political parties and groups, 2 trade unions, 158 associations and collectives from all over Navarre call on the Delegation of the Government of Navarre to allow without limitation all the agricultural work of this time.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 29a
Argazkia: Diario de Navarra

These accessions represent more than a third of the municipalities of Navarre, divided in almost all the geography, from north to south and from east to west. These include: Sangüesa, Olite, Tafalla, Aibar, Aibar, Aoiz, Bera, Baztan, Leitza, Altsasua, Berriozar, Huarte, Zizur Mayor, Mendigorría, Miranda de Arga, Estella, Lerín, Carcastillo, Murillo del Frutos, or Torralba del Río. In addition, the other signatories are associations of various kinds.

“Good food and nutrition is a universal right that governments should protect and promote, especially in times of crisis. But as a result of the restrictions on self-consumption orchards, most of them have been cancelled, out of fear of fines and sanctions, at a key time that depends on the year-round harvest.

Its essential role in the supply of fresh, local and seasonal food to many families in Navarre has been underestimated and rendered invisible, as well as numerous essential activities for the maintenance of life in the absence of commercial value. Only in this way is it understood that an activity without risk of spreading the pandemic and key in food has been reduced.”

According to the signatories, self-consumption orchards help to feed more than 20,000 Navarre families, which is why with the motto “We are planted, Navarre wants to eat from its vegetable garden”, the self-consumption orchards want to put values.

The full document is available on the website of the Foral Community and this link contains all the signatories.