30 years against AVC: "An old battle not over"
  • Saturday, day against the VAT in different parts of the Basque Country. The movement against the TAV of Oarsoaldea and Donostialdea made a cycling march between Errenteria and Donostia. They have completed the march in Letaman with a full day and food programme.
Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2023ko maiatzaren 11

This programme has called for the fight against reduction over the last 30 years. In their April hearing in Biriatu they recalled Maialen Lujanbio’s contribution, “an old struggle that has not ended”. According to the organizers, “although great damage has been done, the mountains have been excavated and hundreds of sources have been dried up, if the work has killed 15 workers and has resulted in public spending of some 6 million people, we are still in time and we have to stop the TAV as soon as possible.”

On Saturday morning a bike ride was kicked off in the Alameda de Errenteria. Dozens of people met and the arguments of popular opposition to the TAV were opened. The march entered Oiartzun Square at the chaleco of local neighbours and then headed to Astigarraga. They denounce that the corridor that is planned to be built between Astigarraga and Lezo is a public spending of 500 million euros in just 10 kilometers, “it further reduces the Urumea valley and strengthens the exterior port project of Pasaia”.

After touring the lands of Astigarraga, in Martutene and Loiola they wanted to denounce the “global model that the TAV needs”: “A world that needs and protects armies and prisons.” Throughout the Center of San Sebastian they have denounced “the relationship of the TAV that connects the capitals with the tourist model of the city and other forms of reduction such as the metro”: This “macro work of ten billion euros” has recalled, among other things, the amount that remains of social needs. They also announced in the Electoral Portal that “this macro-project spends large amounts of public money on large construction companies and covers corruption”.

The march ended in front of San Sebastian station with a concentration. In the meeting with the Estación del Norte, demolished last week, a “abuse” of EUR 80 million, “the destruction of the existing building and the creation of a new one for the benefit of Tabakalera and the capital city model” has been denounced. In this sense, some entrepreneurs have opened a banner through these works.

Entrepreneurs have pointed out that more than half of the APR, 60%, is pending implementation: “He still wants to do more damage in our environment. If this madness is over, the damage will continue until we stop.”