The Basque Government announces a special budget of EUR 30 million to subsidise the hotel sector
  • To address the effects of COVID-19 on hospitality, the Basque Government will allocate EUR 30 million to the sector. Following the protests on 7 November last, the Basque Government’s Councillor for Tourism, Trade and Consumption, Javier Hurtado, has reported on the aid programme.
Jone Markuleta @JMarkuleta 2020ko azaroaren 18a
Ostalariek mobilizazio ugari egin dituzte azken asteetan COVID-19aren aurkako neurriek sektorean eragindako kalteak salatzeko.

The Basque Government has approved a new programme of extraordinary aid amounting to EUR 30 million, which will be compatible with the anterior.Hurtado has stressed that this new programme of aid is urgent and that a management team will be set up that will be dedicated exclusively to this and that it will bring together at least 20 technicians exclusively for the management of these aids. He added that the main objective is to "maintain" small businesses in the labour market.

Most of the stock, with EUR 25 million, will be provided by the Department of Economy and Finance and the remaining EUR 5 million by the Department of Tourism, Trade and Consumption. The aid is aimed at the self-employed, micro-enterprises and small empresas.En total, there are 12,219 establishments in the Basque hospitality sector, of which more than half are one or two employees (8,297); 3,224 more between four and ten employees and 698 have more than ten employees.

The Basque Government will therefore classify the aid according to the conditions and the need to have access to them. Establishments with less than three employees will receive EUR 3,000 each, between 4 and 10 employees EUR 3,500 each, and those with more than ten employees EUR 4,000 each. The Basque Government shall grant the aid on condition that the establishments are maintained for at least four months from the moment the restrictions imposed by COVID-19 are withdrawn and from the moment the opening is legitimate. The Basque Government has announced that from this Thursday it will be possible to apply for this type of aid for transport costs.