After the meal, we have seen a video of the cooperative Hiru Damatxo, on the occasion of the anniversary of ARGIA magazine, and then the colleague Onintza Irureta has read a speech on behalf of the ARGIA team. The ARGIA Awards have been presented below.
The winners in the 30th edition have been:
RADIO:Juan Carlos Etxegoien Juanarena "Xamar" (for the radio program 'Euskara Jendea', at the Bilbo Hiria station).
PRESS: The photojournalist Gari Garaialde for his work to make visible the reality of migration.
AUDIOVISUAL: Documentary "Gurean" (by Askekintza)
INTERNET:Map of Victims of Machista Violence (Berria Newspaper)
PROMOTION: Parents of Altsasu
MERITORIA: Eusko Ikaskuntza and Euskaltzaindia, for their 100th anniversary.
This is how we have argued the awards:
Our award-winning is bored to treat language like the Amazon or whales. “How long will we continue to claim that we have to save the Amazon, the whales and the Basque Country? The Basque is saved from having a pond and a grammar, the Basque does not suffer. If we suffer, we suffer those who want to live in Basque.” They are their own words. He has told us the history of our language, and if you prefer, the language of our history, on paper, then on audio-visual. Lately it is at ease in the waves, in the doses of a few minutes, in the mouth of Euskera people.
Recently, a study concludes that appearances without photojournalists lose quality. What a discovery! But in these precarious times, it's not bad to remember. Our award-winning today does journalism through images. And lately he has been condemned for a long journey from his home country to Europe: The tiredness, the despair, the hope, the support, the solidarity, the disagreement, the refuge, the dream… they have told us their images. He has told us stories, stories that are a reflection of society and of the time. And we would say that the images seek the commitment and complicity of the reader. Because journalism is too.
Jeans that run from one side to the other in the sokamuturra, geese that remain hanging from the neck, pigs that flee before a multitude of children, horses and oxen that are being given... They are images of any people, a reflection of the treatment of animals on the pretext of feasts, tradition and fun. But they have little fun and a lot of suffering, anxiety, violence… These kinds of scenes have been recorded, collected and performed in a documentary. In his words, in those images “there is no explicit violence, no blood, no screams. But let’s tear apart the desire of each of these animals to be free for our fun.”
Teresa Egurrola, Noelia Noemi Godoy Benitez, Aintzane Garai, Amagoia Elezkano Corchón, Caridad Rodriguez Arrieta, Carlotta Ortuzar, melodie Masse, Mercedes Galdeano Gurrea, Natalya Balyuk, Marie-Jeanne Lé Martinez These are the victims of gender-based violence. The website aims to undress the most brutal indicator of male violence and to highlight its size. The database aims to be a tool for agents fighting male violence.
On 15 October 2016, at 5 a.m., the first tumult took place. It is not easy to describe what follows. Seven young people are held in prison for that day. 800 days. Over 800 days. Throughout this time, with the aim of breaking the blackness of the official version, his relatives have brought to light data on the matter, testimonies, videos, photos… And they have organized exhibitions, talks, mobilizations to denounce the gravity of the situation… Last April, 85,000 people met in Pamplona in the largest demonstration that has been held in Navarre for a long time. A demand for solidarity and justice arising from the people, which has been taken over by a large number of people in the four winds.
ARGIA is not the only agent who has been 100 years old today. There are two entities, created centuries ago, that work to unite, preserve and disseminate Basque and Basque culture, with intention and knowledge, with initiative and with knowledge. One objective is to anticipate future changes. It is a scientific institution spread throughout the Basque Country that established, for example, the theoretical bases of the ikastolas and ordered the elaboration of the first school books in Euskera. The second, 50 years ago, proposed a unified model of Euskera. From the present point of view, our language would have no future without adding up. The award-winning and journalism in Euskera work hand in hand, feeding each other, sharpening and enriching the basic tool of our profession.
The words and video of the winners can be found in the Argia Awards Channel.