Pau court condemns GKS member to paint 3,000 euros
  • The Socialist Council of Euskal North Herria has denounced that such fines are "aimed at stifling political militancy through fines."
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko otsailaren 09a
Epaiketaren aurka egindako elkarretaratzea, Baionan. (Argazkia: Kontseilu Sozialista Ipar EH)

Gabi Daraspe, a member of the Socialist Youth Coordinator of the Basque Country, has been punished with a fine of 3,000 euros on charges of painting in Ezpeiz (Zuberoa). On Tuesday, the trial was held before the Court of Pau, which ordered compensation of EUR 2,700 and a fine of EUR 300. To deal with the grief and expenses of the lawsuit, a solidarity campaign has been launched through the Helloaso portal.

The members of the Socialist Council of the Northern Basque Country have denounced that such issues are aimed at "stifling political militancy by fines", "especially to prevent political work outside the institutions". They point to the need to defend political rights.

Gabi Daraspe was arrested in May 2022 by the Ertzaintza in Itziar for the events of a 2018 student strike. In addition, Leioa ' s 5 has another open question in connection with the Askatasuna case, together with four other members.