Irati, who turns 3, is released and separated from her parents.
  • Irati is the daughter of Basque political prisoners Bea Etxebarria and Iñigo Zapirain, both prisoners of eta inmates in the Community of Madrid. SARE has called for Irati's parents to be transferred to the prisons of Euskal Herria for their approach.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko martxoaren 08a
Irati Gurasoekin Euskal herrira ekimenaren ekitaldi bat. Argazkia: @IratiGurasoekin.

Bea Etxebarria and Iñigo Zapirain are in Aranjuez prison (Madrid). Her daughter Irati has left jail after a family member was made in person on Monday morning. He will live in Bilbao with his grandfather and his grandmother. “Irati is on her way home. A separated family and a child with another backpack. Our hottest hug to parents and the whole family”, has spread the citizens’ initiative Irati Gurasarekin Euskal Herrira.

In a press release, Sare has pointed out that what Irati and her parents live is not something "unusual" today. He added that a context of spontaneous, traumatic separation in itself can make it even more painful, as visits are “contactless and reduced” due to COVID-19. In Sare's words, "trying to alleviate these pain is a matter of will." He has called for the repatriation of the parents of Irati, Etxebarria and Zapirarin, and the construction of modules for the families, “in order to be able to develop as well as possible the paternity to which they are entitled”.

The citizen network has asked citizens and agents to be attentive to the mobilizations that can be convened. “It is the responsibility of all to change the unjust situation these children and adolescents experience and to allow the necessary measures and tools to develop the relationship with their parents”