People's initiative media will receive EUR 3 million more from the institutions
  • The Basque Government, the three Basque Members and the Hekimen Popular Initiative Media Association have agreed on a new model of economic aid. The agreement is valid for the period 2019-2021.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko martxoaren 04a
Erakunde publikoetako eta hedabideetako ordezkariek gaur eman dute dirulaguntza eredu berriaren albistea. Argazkia:

The Basque Government will contribute EUR 7.8 million over the next three years, as reported by the Basque Executive. The Basque Government will support the national media, radio and television stations and will contribute some of its money to the three foreign ministers. The Foreign Ministers, for their part, will support local journals.

The Basque Government and the three foreign ministers will give a total of EUR 10.5 million, EUR 3.1 million more than hitherto, an increase of 61%.

In early 2017, coinciding with the new legislature, meetings began between the Basque Government, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Hekimen Elkartea association. Once the new model has been agreed, the foreign deputies of Álava and Bizkaia have also joined the initiative. According to the new model, each media will be funded 30% of its activity.

The newspaper "Berria" has been left out of this call and has agreed a special pact with the Basque Government. Language Policy Advisor Bingen Zupiria has stated that “Berria is the only national newspaper and has special features”. Thus, in 2019 it will receive 2.3 million euros, and as many as in 2020 and 2021.