Live! Campaign for journeys of less than 3 kilometres by foot or by bike. movements
  • The Environment Day, 5 June, presented the campaign: “Live and move in the city! To do 3 km. Otherwise, ask them!” In Baiona, Biarritz and Angelu 44% of the tours are less than three kilometers. They will reclaim quieter cities and encourage walking, cycling and public transport.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko ekainaren 07a
Kanpainaren aurkezpena egiten ekainaren 5ean. Argazkia: Bizi!.

Long live! the movement has given a piece of information from the Ademe organisation that drives the ecological transition: 40% of journeys of less than three kilometres in the centre of Bayonne – Anglés-Biarritz are made by individual motor vehicles. The aim of the campaign is to leave the car aside as far as possible to make it “a healthy and welcoming city”.

Live! collects the data provided by Ademe movements. According to this data, journeys of less than one kilometre are walking faster than in motorised transport. On journeys of between 1 and 5 kilometers the bicycle is the one that moves the most, as cars suffer agglomerations and it takes time to find a car park. In the centre of Baiona-Angelu - Biarritz 44% of the tours have less than three kilometers, so the movement recommends cycling than by car. It is estimated that the bicycle takes a few minutes more than the car to travel distances of between five and ten kilometers.

In the centre of the city, a map of the time is being drawn up, that is, the time it takes to walk and cycle the journeys between the centres of interest, offices, educational centres, local shops, residences and neighbourhoods. The map will help you realize that walking and cycling are easier than by car.

The Movement points out that if people express their desire to use motor vehicles instead of others, greater pressure can be exerted on local policies to withdraw the car and to start organizing other means of transport.