A jury composed of ten people has selected 26 artists' projects, of which 16 are writers, 5 are filmmakers and 5 theatre companies. "In the selection process, heterogeneity of all types has been guaranteed, from the point of view of the proposed themes, their age range or territoriality, to gender equity".
The residence of each artist shall be held in the following municipalities:
- Amasa-Villabona: Maitane Perez
- Araitz, Betelu and Larraun: Iñaki Martiarena
- Artziniega: Ugaitz Agirre
- Etxarri-Aranatz: Yolanda Arrieta
- Larrabetzu: Nahia Zubeldia
- Itza: García Albizua Castelao
- Ligi-Atherei, Liginaga - Astüe, Lexantzü-Zunharre and Etxebarre: Nefer Olaizola
- Lodosa, Sartagudo, Mendavia and Andosilla: Maialen Akizu
- Ondarroa and Berriatua: Sarai Robles
- Urepele: Iban Garro
- Usurbil: Itxaro Borda
- Uztaritze: Edorta Jimenez
- Zaldibia: Peru Calabaza
- Zestoa: Danel Lauzirika
- Zuia: Bertol Arrieta
- Zumaia: Fito Rodríguez
- Arrigorriaga: Tanttaka Theatre
- Villava and Huarte: Metrokoadroka creation laboratory
- Bergara: Oier Zuñiga
- Oiartzun: Company Lore-more
- Oñati: The company bon noir
- Hernani: Raul Barriers
- Baigorri: Josu Martínez
- Galdakao: Leire Egaña
- Tafalla: Amancay Gaztañaga and Erika Olaizola
- Bera and Lesaka: Eñaut Castagnet