The aeronautical subcontracting team will reduce nearly a third of the workforce to maintain the benefits in the economic crisis following COVID-19. The four subcontractors will dismiss 244 workers in four of the group's workplaces. Hazparne and Aiherra workers will pay the highest price: In total, 156 people are expected to leave.
On 31 July, the group explained to workers' representatives at a meeting of the company's Economic and Social Committee "the collective dismissal procedure". At the meeting, attendees underlined the "critical economic situation" of the aviation sector. Lauak argued that the reduction in air traffic "has exacerbated the difficulties" and that aviation companies no longer require parts of any kind. Due to the "desolate situation", Lauak has lost 40% of his turnover and, in the face of this, says he is "obliged to make cuts".
Airbus is the first customer of the Lauak group, which gets 60% of the profits from the group of parts sold to it. Other corporations in the continental Basque Country are living in a similar situation. Dassault, for example, has the largest Lapurdi plant between Biarritz and Angelu, where 900 workers work. In Zuberoa, the engineering company Elkar is also engaged in aeronautics.