Will present 24 plays at this year’s Young Theatre Meeting
  • The 33rd edition will be held between 16 May and 15 June. Youth Theatre Meeting in Donostia. Organized by Donostia Gazteria with the collaboration of Donostia Kultura and Kutxa Kultura, the goal is “to show that young people and theatre remain alive” after the pandemic.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo Sara Ibarguren @saraibarguren 2022ko maiatzaren 04a
Argazkia: Donostiako Udala

The call was opened in February to all schools, universities, theatre schools and independent groups in the city, and a total of 24 groups have been registered. Although the majority are Donostiarras, people from Oiartzun, Pasaia, Bilbao and Pamplona/Iruña have also been encouraged to participate.

The groups have been divided into two categories according to the age of each. Sixteen teams will be involved in the junior category (aged 14 to 18), and eight teams in the senior category (aged 18 to 30). Of these 24 works, eleven will be in Basque and twelve in Spanish. In addition, one will be interpreted in three languages (Basque, Spanish and Arabic).

Theater plays will be performed at the Main Theatre, the Club Room of the Victoria Eugenia Theatre, Gazteszena, Lugaritz Cultural Center, Young Kontadores Center and the Kutxa Kultur Club. The jury will consist of Nerea Gorriti, Aia Kruse and Asier Oruesagasti.

Tickets can be purchased for 3 euros as of May 9, on the website or at the lockers of the place where the work is presented. See all the programming here.