22 to Tudela against zoning
Hordago! herri ekimena 2022ko urriaren 17a

It is now 35 years since the Navarre Parliament passed the Basque Law in 1986. The law imposed the zoning of the Basque Country, dividing Navarre into three linguistic areas, recognizing or denying some linguistic rights over the Basque country according to the area. This division was absolutely exclusive, since Navarre was recognized as having rights in one or another municipality of the country, or not. If any other issue had established a zoning of this kind, which would be a scandal, it was imposed on the Basque people and the right to live in Basque in Navarre. Do you imagine dividing labor or educational or health rights in Navarre by zones? Zoning with such a subject, which would be unacceptable to any Navarre progressive, was done with the Basque Country and with the linguistic rights of the Navarros.

Almost four decades have passed since this injustice came into force. Four decades in violation of citizens' rights. Four decades sweeping the language of Navarra. Four decades promoting the division and discrimination of Navarros. This is what is established by the current Basque Law. In other words, the zoning of the Basque Country is a decision directly contrary to the equality, cohesion and coexistence of the Navarros, an absolutely undemocratic decision.

To end this unfair zoning once and for all, last year Hordago! A number of citizens started the grass-roots initiative. In our appearance in the Cortes, through a statement, a large group of citizens of the Ribera stated that it was time to “overcome all the obstacles that prevent any Navarro from exercising his right to know or learn and use the Basque country throughout the foral territory, wherever he is and live”. In other words, it is time to put an end to the zoning of Euskera.

& '97; With this demand for justice, inform the people in town and Hordago. During these months the initiative is being made known. From the bank to the north of Navarra. And Hordago! As an open and plural popular initiative, we are inviting all Navarros adhering to its objective to participate in it. That’s why we want to invite you to participate in Hordago! and join in their initiatives. We need the input of all citizens who want to end zoning, to develop a broad and growing dynamic that will lead to a change of law.

We now believe that it is time to take a mobilising step. To throw a new ordago, this time in the streets of Tudela. To this end, we convened a demonstration on 22 October. And for the leash to be heard aloud by those responsible for ending zoning, we appeal to all citizens to go to the demonstration, especially to the citizens of the Ribera and the area that have generally been described as “non-Basque”. Above all, it is citizens’ rights that are violated by zoning.

Because we want to live in Navarre without any discrimination or discrimination on linguistic grounds. We want to live in a territory in which we are all equal; equal in obligations, equal in rights; and in which we will have the same rights at all times, regardless of where we are in Navarre. It will be a land that fosters citizen cohesion, that does not graduate citizenship according to language, that takes account of linguistic diversity, and that does not see this diversity as a threat, but as a wealth.

So on October 22, go to Tudela, To Zoning is there! Gora euskara Cortesti a Bera / Vera de Bidasoa.