A 21-year-old physiotherapist is arrested in Bilbao on charges of sexual assault on a woman
  • The detainee committed a sexual assault on Monday morning, 17 June, when the patient was being treated for a knee injury, the woman reported. The detainee was transferred to the police station and released after being handed over to the Bilbao Guard Court.
Julen Ugartemendia Carcedo 2024ko ekainaren 18a
Bilbon sexu erasoen aurka egindako manifestazioa. Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea

A woman denounces a sexual assault in Bilbao and arrests a 21-year-old man. The Security Department reports that the physiotherapist was treating a woman from a knee injury by 11:00 and then attacked her. The Ertzaintza goes to the physiotherapy center to find out what happened and arrests the man accused of sexual assault.

The woman sued the Ertzaintza after receiving medical care. The detainee was transferred to the police station and, after spending the afternoon there and staying in the hands of the Bilbao Guard Court, was released by the hearing. They do not report the application of precautionary measures. At the beginning of the year a man was arrested in Tolosa, on charges of sexual assault in an osteopathy clinic. Although there were initially two complaints, 10 complaints were filed in mid-March, according to News de Gipuzkoa.