21 deaths in violent clashes between Hindu nationalists and Muslims
  • The reason for the disturbances is the Citizenship Act adopted by the Government of India, which has recognized the status of refugees of persons from the major religions of Sudasia except the musulmanes.En against the protests of Muslims against this law, Hindus have burned mosques and Muslim working and working houses in Delhi for three days.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko otsailaren 26a
Delhiko nazionalista hinduek musulmanen aurka egin dute.

Since Sunday, numerous groups of Hindu nationalists have been touring the neighborhoods of Delhi where Muslims live. Shouting Hindust exclamations, they have burned the Muslim houses and mosques, in which the Saffon flag, the official flag of Hinduism, has been ignited. In the three days, 21 people have died, many of them falling out of buildings where they fled from Hindus, according to The Guardian.

A law passed at the end of last year has been the cause of the indignation on the part of the Spanish Government. The Citizenship Act makes it possible to recognise refugee status for all the population that is one of the main religions of Sudasia, except for followers of Islam. This law generated answers in the Muslim community, arguing that this measure “was against the secularization of India,” which classified people according to their religion.

This law provoked mass protests that brought together Muslim communities and people from other religions. More than 10,000 people met in August Kranti, a place where Gandhi faced colonialism almost a century earlier. Despite the peaceful protests, some twenty people died in clashes between protesters and police.

Protest against the Citizenship Act in India.

In one of those protests, Muslims blocked a route in northern Delhi, in the south of the country. The conflict with the Hindus arose when the head of the People's Party of India, Kapil Mishra, (Bharatiya Janata Party, BJP), ordered the violent withdrawal of these Muslims.

The Delhi authority, Arvinf Kejriwal, has stated that they are in a state of "alarm." He also said that the army should be there and that they should give a curfew. India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has called for "peace and fraternity" for Spain. At the moment, all groups of more than four people in northern Delhi have been banned.

Model of secularisation

India is a multi-religious country. The predominant religion is Hinduism, by far; the majority of the population (78.8%) is Hinduism, with Islam being the most numerous of the following religions, with 14.2% of the population n.Sin; however, it is the third country in the world that has the most Muslims in the world.