Request for information on the Gernika Awards 2021
Gernika memoriaren lekuko @GGernikara 2021eko martxoaren 25

First there were rumours and suspicions; then, although recently, we have learned from well-informed sources that this year there will be no Gernika Awards. The decision, as decided, has been taken by the Mayor of Gernika-Lumo, José Mari Gorroño.

It is true that we have been critical of the Gernika Awards on our Gernika Memorial platform. Critics, in some cases, of the winners: it was incomprehensible to us, for example, that in 2019 Christos Stylianides, European Union Commissioner for Refugees. And not so much because of Mr Stylianides’ actions, but because it actually covered with signs of acceptability the European Union’s odious and shameful policy on refugees and migrants. In general, we have been very critical of the principles that underpin the prizes, in a double sense: on the one hand, by the concept (in our opinion, the characteristics and capacity of Gernika as a place of memory are much broader and deeper than the area to which the prizes are limited); and on the other, by the method: we believe that the way to choose the winners is very closed (any local group may submit limited nominations but the jury has a The Mayor of Gernika-Lumo, or person he delegates, three Councillors, according to the Delegation, the Mayor of Pforzheim or person he delegates, the representative of the Gernika Gogoratuz Foundation, the representative of the Gernika-Lumo Museum of Peace Foundation and the representative of the Gernika-Lumo House of Culture Foundation. Last year, in the light of that, we proposed to the City Hall to open the jury to the memory and culture groups of the people, but we did not get an answer...

Despite our criticism, we believe that the awards have their value and, in any case, coincide with the history, meaning and recognition of Gernika-Lumo as a place of memory. In addition, these stories, recognitions and meanings are not limited to our municipality alone. Gernika Memory The place is related to the Memory of all Basques. Gernika-Lumo is one of the most important memory sites in Euskal Herria, and not just for the bombing. On the contrary, the crime of bombing is intimately linked to the uniqueness of the Basques over time and explains the historical moment of the event, the universality of that drama or tragedy, its strength and its capacity for freedom, justice, the achievement of real peace and the struggle for human camaraderie. This heritage is not necessarily in the hands of a person, a local government or specific institutions or groups. If you want to live, it is the legacy of an entire society: the message of freedom and dignity to share with other peoples and nations a new world that is happier and fairer, with individual and collective entrepreneurs; the sound of a people that is committed to spreading their message to the world.

We do not know whether the mayor of Gernika-Lumo and the municipal government agree with our vision, as they have not given any explanation about the decision taken. Perhaps you think that the issue is not worth it or that the Gernika-Lumotarras and the Euskaldunes do not deserve it, since at the end of the day they have given it a long time ago. We, on the other hand, believe that the issue has to be explained well and long and that we citizens have to know the reasons. That is why, in the face of what has happened, in the face of this year’s suspension of prizes, we ask the municipal government of Gernika-Lumo to give a public explanation.

The signatories, representing the Gernika Memorial Platform:

  • Jon Argintxona Badiola
  • Ibon Meñika Orue-Etxebarria
  • Maitane Azurmendi
  • Aitor Amutio
  • Sabin Ibazeta
  • Camino Saiz
  • Hibai Muinozguren
  • Maitane Uriarte
  • Xabier Onandia
  • Aitor Iruskieta