The Basque Public School Festival will be held in June 2021
  • There will be no face-to-face party in 2020, but a virtual party will be held from 7 to 12 June. The Basque Public School Festival, scheduled for this year, will take place in June 2021, in Labastida.
Arabako Alea @ArabakoALEA 2020ko ekainaren 04a
'Hazitik Gora' lelopean ospatzekoa zen Euskal Eskola Publikoaren Jaia.

The Association of Fathers and Mothers of Students of Euskal Herria (EHIGE) has announced that the Festival of the Basque Public School will be held in Labastida on 6 June 2021.

After analysing the possibilities and taking into account the new challenges they will face at the beginning of the next year, they have made this "difficult decision". This is the first time that the public school has been suspended in 29 years.

However, this year there will be no lack of celebrations and a virtual festival is being organized from 7 to 12 June with the aim of maintaining the annual Basque Public School Festival: on 7 June there will be dismissed and surprises; and every afternoon from 8 to 12 June an activity in Basque will be offered on the internet.

"We wanted to make a small contribution to the loss of Euskera that many students are suffering during the confinement, making quality cultural programs in Euskera available throughout the week," they explained in a statement. They also wanted to make "a small contribution" to the loss being suffered by Basque bodybuilders.

The next course starts again the Festival of the Basque Public School, which aims to recognize the work of the public centers of Labastida and Rioja Alavesa: "To the extent that circumstances permit, we will carry out the activities during the course."