In 2021, two people detained on Errotxape will be tried
  • Ten people were arrested in April 2021 and two others were summoned to testify: they were charged with "belonging to a criminal gang". Although the accusations against the majority were suspended, proceedings against two people follow. They claim three and a half years of imprisonment for crimes related to a protest.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2024ko urtarrilaren 09a

Taking as a reference the class of solidarity to repression, today the Auzipetuak platform of Errotxapea has been published. In fact, two people from the district of Errotxapea in the Comarca of Pamplona (Navarra), after being arrested in a police operation in 2021, are still involved in charges and court proceedings against them. They are currently waiting for the date of the trial to be completed.

In April 2021, nine youths from Errotxape and one from Burlada were arrested by the Spanish Police, and another two were called to testify in relation to the various clashes and actions that occurred in the Region of Pamplona in the years 2020 and 2021. For three days, the agents inspected their homes and personal material. For long hours they were denied speaking to their relatives and trusted lawyers, and during their detention they were denied many basic conditions.

The detained youth received great support and during those days there were massive demonstrations. Both the Socialist Youth Coordinator and the Red Force were accused of "belonging to a group of kale borroka" and of being part of "a criminal group". Thus, the Auzipetuak platform of Errotxapea has warned that the police operation "served to fine-tune the GKS, Indar Gorri and his environment", "extending unfounded accusations to four winds."

Most accusations suspended in April

After two years, in April last year, the suspension of the accusations against most young people detained in 2021 was reported for lack of evidence. "This, once again, highlights the impunity of the state and the police forces, demonstrating, without evidence, that arrests and arrests of this dimension can be carried out at no cost," the platform presented today has denounced.

Procedure before two persons ahead

However, proceedings against all detainees were not terminated: accusations and proceedings against two persons continue. In this regard, the Auzipetuak platform of Errotxapea has now been presented, announcing that they will be judged by those two people who remain under arrest. According to the platform, the procedures that remain in force will "not leave in any way the repressive and media context that emerged in 2021".

In the "context of a protest", both defendants are charged with public disorder and damage, as well as "a crime of coercion". They therefore require three and a half years of prison sentences for them, which will have to face economic costs close to EUR 26,000. They still don't know when the trial will be.

"As they have always done, in this process, beyond the control of the State and the right-wing and right-wing forces, the will to deal with this unjust society is what they are pursuing and judging," the platform said: "Instead of conforming to what is there, we understand militancy and political protest as an attack on those who see it legitimate and necessary." And he believes that "in a time of crisis in which militancy and political protest are even more necessary", one cannot "take a step back from repression".

Solidarity in action

The Auzipetuak platform of Errotxapea has called for "implementing class solidarity and joining forces to denounce harassment and repression of political activity". It also reports an imminent date in which, in solidarity with the people involved, they organize a concert for next Saturday 13. The event will take place at the bar Aitzina in Pamplona from 21:00, with the participation of groups such as Against You and Habemus Papam.