95% of the abortion cases in the CAPV and 70% in Navarra were performed in private health centers last year
  • These data have been collected in the annual report of the Ministry of Finance.
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2021ean EAEn egindako abortuen ia %5 soilik egin ziren Osakidetzan.

95.27% of the 3,634 abortions performed in Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia and Araba in 2021 were carried out in private health centers, with only 4.73% of the abortion cases from Osakidetza. In Navarra, 69.07% of the 957 people who aborted went to the private road and 30.93% to the Osasunbidea services.

The Ministry of Health annually publishes data on abortions in the State. In 2020, the percentages of abortions in private centers were similar: 94.94% in CAPV and 72.97% in Navarra.