March 8, 2019, historic day
  • March 8 this year has been a historic day for feminism and for the Basque Country.
Ana Mezo Basaras 2019ko martxoaren 11
Emakume* pentsionistak Gasteizko greba feministan (Argazkia: Hala Bedi)

Last year, women took a big step out in the street, and it wasn't a one-day blow. It is clear that this coup has lasted and consolidated. The result of a whole year of work has been uncovered.

Among the people who have seen themselves throughout the day are people of all ages, including pensioners, intelligent, ideological or humorous demands; a group that has been erased from the history that has been written over the centuries and that has become visible.

The work of years has brought with it a great achievement: the demands of feminism have gone from belonging to a group of women to the demands of a broad society. Because the feminist perspective brings together all oppressions: working-class, racial or gender. Therefore, feminism needs far more people than half the population of this planet, all of us who are left out of the stereotype that has built the capitalist, hetereopatriarchal system, to demand and obtain the rights denied.

I have only one complaint: the presence of the Basque Country has not been sufficient. What a pity! We should reinforce the slogan “Woman* and Basque, twice rebellious!”.

All year for the next M8. All of us, all actors, must continue to make true and feminist policies. Taking steps, among other things, to avoid the inequalities generated by care work and to obtain rights. Because feminism can contribute a lot to the revolution of this system.