Emakunde records 5,518 cases of male violence at the CAV in 2019 and are "the tip of the iceberg"
  • Emakunde has published a report with data on violence against women for 2019. According to this study, in 2019, the Ertzaintza recorded a total of 5,518 cases of male violence that affected 4,419 women in the CAV. Emakunde’s director, Izaskun Landaida, today called on society to involve and support women victims of violence.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko azaroaren 25
Erregistratutako indarkeria matxista kasuek gora egin zuten 2019an.

Emakunde has made these data public on the occasion of the International Day against Violence against Women. In addition, it has reminded women killed by machista violence and offered its support and assistance to the relatives and relatives of the victims of this type of violence.

As for the 2019 data, Emakunde explained that the Machian aggressions and murders are nothing but "the tip of the iceberg", as many cases remain hidden. Landaida explained that 48% of victims do not resort to the Police, the Court or any service ayuda.El last year the Ertzaintza recorded in the CAV a total of 5,518 cases of male violence, of which 4,419 were women (175 more than in 2018). In addition, several women experienced violence on more than one occasion.

"As of 2017, the data reflect an increase in recorded cases and an increase of 3.82% in 2019 compared to the previous year. In 2018 it grew much more, 6.32%," explains Landaida.

One of the sections of the study classifies the data of women assaulted according to their age. According to the report, women who suffer most violence are those between 31 and 50 years old, with 47.2%, followed by those between 18 and 30 years old, with 28.1%. 10.6% of the complaints are for children under 18 years of age and 14.1% for those over 50 years of age.

The report shows that the violence suffered varies according to age. Thus, among minors, the most frequent are intra-family violence and sexual violence, although almost three out of ten adolescent victims, between 14 and 17 years old, suffered the aggression of their partner or expareja.Entre women older than 50 years old and those between 50 and 50 years old, the most frequent is that originated by their partner or former partner (82% of complaints). From the age of 50, intra-family violence increases, reaching 64.9% among women over 65 years.