2019-nThe John Hopkins Center below shows the CoV coronavirus impact data
  • 2019-nThe Johns Hopkins Center for Science and Systems Engineering offers the possibility of continuously knowing, as has been influenced by the CoV coronavirus, the numbers of epidemic infections around the world: infected, cured and killed. . It uses secure sources for collection: the World Health Organization, the United States agency of disease control centers, and the Chinese Government's NHC and Dingxiangyuan centers.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko urtarrilaren 31
2019-nCov koronabirusaren eragina ostiraleko (31) goizaldeko 03:30ean.

It's an interactive map of the Johns Hopkins center, where a red dot is depicted an area where the coronavirus's influence has been secured, the more pollution cases abound, the thicker the red dots. On the sides, the data of sick and deceased people are classified by countries or regions.

Updates are marked in EST hours, Eastern U.S. time. USA, 6 hours before that of the Basque country. When publishing this news item (13:30), the latest update collected early morning data until 03:30 (09:30 pm EST): 9,776 infections worldwide, including the month of 2013. All deaths have occurred in China