Italy enters a new phase of confinement exceeding the 20,000 death barrier
  • More than 20,000 people have already died from the coronavirus in Italy. Of these, 566 have been registered this Monday in the CAV and Navarra. In addition, data on the first day of the week exceed the number of deaths on Sunday (431), the lowest of the last three weeks.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 14a
Maiatzaren 3an hasiko dira Italian konfinamendu baldintzak lasaitzen, baina erdibideko fase bati ekin diote aste honetan (argazkia: Pietro Luca Cassarino).

The number of infections continues to decline in Italy, as 3,153 new cases have been detected in CAV on Monday. The number of patients with ICU is also lower than the previous days, as on Monday 83 people were less attended of this type throughout Italy.

The spokesman for the Italian Higher Institute of Health, Gianni Rezza, explained that this higher number of deaths does not mean that the situation has worsened, as it could be people infected 20 days ago. “After confinement, transmission between relatives can still occur and the incubation period has to be taken into account,” he explained on Monday, in an appearance before the daily press.

One of the variables to be taken into account is the time from infection to detection of the disease. A new period of time between the worsening situation of some contaminated people and their death. For this reason, according to Rezza, the cases of contagion and after the deaths that will be recovered will first be reduced.

In Italy, about 160,000 people can say they have been infected. About 35,500 cases have been cured, more than 100,000 are still positive.

New phase in Italy

Starting this Tuesday, Italy is entering a new phase of anti-coronavirus measures. This is an intermediate stage before 3 May begins to relax containment conditions. At the moment, during this week, in addition to supermarkets, ultramarines, pharmacies, banks and scams, other businesses will be open.

The Government has given the option, inter alia, of opening bookstores, paper shops and child clothing stores, among others. Other activities have also been authorised, such as forestry, the production of computers, the production of sworn watchmen working in companies or the personnel of cleaning and disinfection services.

Permission to resume these businesses has sparked great debate in Italy and, for example, in Lombardy and Piedmont, two regions hit harshly by COVID-19, until 3 May they will not open bookstores or stationery.