They fined 20,000 euros to the entrepreneurs who starred in a carpentry camp
  • Ten people have been charged for their participation in the project, which has been dismissed. They have denounced that this is "an attack on an entire people", and have assured that they will "respond as a people" to male violence.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2021eko ekainaren 22a

According to the citizens' initiative Aroztak, ten people have been charged and 25 other activists and journalists, including URL0 and Ekinklik, have been fined for participating or recording in the mobilizations that have been carried out against the Aroztegia project. In total, EUR 20,000 is claimed for fines and damages.

The members of the citizens' initiative Aroztak have reported that ten activists were charged the day after the May demonstration in Elizondo, and in the following weeks another 25 people were fined administratively. In total, EUR 20,000 is claimed for fines and damages.

In addition, they are accused of material and psychological damage offences charged to them by the same facts. “This attitude is not new and not surprising, as we know all kinds of crackdown on speculators such as the Palacio de Arozteguia S.L. and the institutions at their service,” they say from Aroztak. “We have only one more example of the repression suffered by entrepreneurs in favor of the land and the people of origin in the world.”

“Those who seek violence and impose an end to our people and our culture accuse us of using violence. What is violence? To defend the land or to take away its land from the peasants of the people? Or cut 400-year-old robles? Or destroy peoples and cultures? Or occupy the people with the Civil Guards with bulbs in their hands?” they ask.

The members of Aroztak are clear that although with this “repressive” campaign they want to make known a “story full of round lies,” they will not get it. And they added that it is an “attack on a whole people, even if they want to associate it with specific names”. In this sense, they have assured that they will respond “as a people”: “When they attack us as a people we will respond as a people”.

“We will therefore continue to work on the cessation of the Aroztegi speculative project that we are aiming for. They're not going to shut us down and they're not going to stop us," they've summarized.