They call for 20 years in jail for Tubacex protests
  • The prosecution claims a 20-year prison sentence for several Tubacex strikers and Aiaralde neighbours. They will judge seven people who participated in the mobilizations organised on the occasion of the prestigious strike in 2021. Against this, on Sunday 11 June at 12:00, they have called a mass appearance before the Llodio factory.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko ekainaren 09a
Tubacexen manifestazioa Laudion (EITB)

The exemplary has reported that these allegations are related to two protests organized in the context of the indefinite Tubacex strike. Three workers have been sentenced by the prosecution to 36, 21 and 18 months in prison for "disorder and abuse of authority". For the three citizens, the prison sentence of four years and seven months, on what happened in a piquet, and finally the case of Tubacex worker Aintzane Mendia, will be transferred back to court after being tried and acquitted in November last year.

The LAB trade union is against and states that "workers have suffered disproportionate fines, threats and charges", both on strike days and later. He says that they are "direct attacks on the collective struggle" and that the facts accusing them are based on "judicial assembly" to "criminalize the solidarity that has generated the strike".

LAB calls for the acquittal of all defendants and denounces the criminalization of workers. They call for the suspension of "all the processes and activities they have undertaken against workers as a result of the trade union struggle".