Death of a 19-year-old in Detroit in protests over the murder of George Floyd
  • According to police sources, a person has shot several times several people involved in the protests. Detroit police are looking for the killer.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko maiatzaren 30
Floyden hilketa salatzeko manifestazioa Detroiten, ostegunean / AP

Protests over the death of George Floyd, killed by Minneapolis police, are spreading to more and more cities in the United States. According to the newspaper The Guardian, protests in Detroit have developed in a plastic way during the day, but at night the tension has increased.

On the other hand, the Prosecutor’s Office has accused Derek Chauvin, a policeman who kneeled over Floyd, of involuntary murder and death at the hands of the police. He and three other policemen have been impeached after the video of Floyd's arrest in Mexico City was released.