The Basque Government confirmed on Wednesday that 19 people have died in the CAV last week, according to the Basque Executive. The Urkullu Executive has assured that COVID-19 is the "direct cause" of these deaths in the CAV. This is data from 17 to 23 August.
In addition, the positives have risen to 700, but their proportion remains in relation to the CRP carried out on this occasion, at 8,355, while in previous days they have not exceeded 6,000.
By territory, 363 cases were recorded in Bizkaia, 215 in Gipuzkoa and 96 in Álava. Another 26 people were temporarily in the CAV. Compared to previous days and weeks, the situation has worsened in Gipuzkoa.
This Tuesday, 30 more people have been hospitalized in Osakidetza. And the number of people admitted to the ICU is 30.