More than 180 agents join the mobilization to guarantee the right to housing
  • On December 14, the Socialist Housing Union of the Basque Country and the Basque Housing Union Network have called for a national mobilization against the housing business in Bilbao. Almost 200 people have shown solidarity with the case
Leire Ibar 2024ko azaroaren 27a
Etxebizitza eskubidearen aldeko manifestazioa deitu dute etxebizitza sindikatuek. Etxebizitza Sindikatu Sozialista

More than 180 agents from Euskal Herria have today signed for universal rights to housing, to the fight against the housing business, to business between entrepreneurs and politicians, to urgent and effective measures. To those who want to take advantage of our misery, let us be clear: ENOUGH! The project has been presented under the motto 'Robbers'.

Among the actors are those who defend the right to housing and those who reject social exclusion; trade union agents and workers' associations; those who reject the destruction of ecosystems; anti-racist and racialised and migrant groups; associations of neighbours, community networks, self-managed spaces and cultural associations; political organisations, anti-militarist and anti-fascist groups; feminist agents, youth and youth workers.

All these groups and movements have joined the demonstration that will begin on 14 December at 13:00 in Plaza Elíptica in Bilbao. As the callers have reported, the possibility of joining by writing a message to this email is still open:

On the way to preparing the demonstration, several assemblies will open in the coming weeks to protest against the reform. In addition to Pamplona, Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Donostia-San Sebastián, activities have also been organized in most of the counties of Euskal Herria. This Wednesday they will hold an open assembly at the ekoetxea of Bilbao at 18:30 hours.

In Pamplona also in favour of the law

Along the same lines, on 28 November they have called for a mobilization in Pamplona to demand the right to housing and denounce the business. The mobilization, convened by the Socialist Housing Union of the Region of Pamplona and the Housing Union Haritu, will start at 19:00 hours from the Plaza de los Recoletos. The objective is, on the one hand, to strengthen the demonstration to be held in Bilbao and, on the other hand, "to boost the mobilizing dynamic in Navarre".