18 people stay on the street after opening the shelter for homeless people in Pamplona
  • Several groups have called on the Government of Navarra and the City of Pamplona to ensure “comprehensive protection” for the unemployed, and have stressed that the unemployed also need a day centre for a “dignified life”.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2023ko abenduaren 12a
Argazkia: Euskalerria Irratia

The mayor of Pamplona, Cristina Ibarrola, and the councillor for Social Rights, Social Economy and Employment, Carmen Maeztu, visited on Monday the new hostel located in the former convent of Apostolic Women of Pamplona. However, when a new resource for the homeless has been launched, 18 people have been left on the street. Many social groups have taken to the streets these days to denounce the situation and call for an “immediate solution”. Mikel Urabaien of the Paris 365 Foundation has called on the Government of Navarra and the City of Pamplona to ensure “comprehensive protection” for the unemployed, according to Euskalerria Irratia.

Urabaien explains that although the opening of the new hostel is good news, it would not be enough for the unemployed to have a dignified life: "They would also need a day center: they need protection, help, possibility of adaptation, minimal hygiene, care in case of illness..." They have to leave the hostel at eight in the morning and return to the street. Nor do they support minors. Urabaien adds that they are “condemned to live in the street”.

The center director, Pablo Salobre, is in charge of checking access to the hostel every night. News from Navarra received that the first round of entrance to the hostel occurs at 20:00 and the second at 20:30. Salobre indicates that the selection criteria for access to the hostel do not vary, but that they establish a rotation system: “Spending two nights in the shelter after three nights on the street means some oxygen.” However, the social partners have stressed that their offer falls short.