About 166,000 workers will stay in the Hague
  • In Hego Euskal Herria, a total of 26,600 employment regulation files have been presented, according to Berria. 84% of companies that have submitted employment regulation dossiers have been affected by the tax.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 02a

Bizkaia has been the territory that has submitted the most reports: 10,945 in total. The report concerns a total of 69,101 workers. 7,052 in Gipuzkoa, 45,885 persons temporarily dismissed. In Navarre, 5,600 workers have been affected by the strike, which affects 22,000 workers. Finally, Álava was the territory that presented the least reports, with 2,998 submitted, and affected 29,287 workers.

Despite these temporary data, unemployment data have generated some concern. The Government of Navarre and the Basque Government will release the data for March today, and the worst data in history are expected. Thus, the European Commission has proposed setting up a fund of EUR 100 billion to help unemployment systems.