Fine of EUR 153,600 to Aske for a march for Basque prisoners
  • The Askatasuna organisation has claimed that solidarity and the fight for amnesty is not a crime. And it criticizes the impunity of the Ertzaintza in the use of violence. In order to compensate for the fines imposed on the organisation, the day of solidarity to be held on 5 October is called.
Manex Usarralde Garmendia 2024ko ekainaren 13a

Fines of EUR 153,600 have been imposed on 128 members of the Askatasuna organisation. On 30 December 2023, the Department of Security of the Basque Government, through the Mozal Law, sanctioned Basque political prisoners who met in Zaballa prison for their solidarity march. They claim that the march of solidarity is not a crime. In their appearance on Wednesday in Vitoria they denounce that solidarity and struggles for amnesty want to "criminalize and delinquent".

Aska members accuse the Ertzaines of “death threats, beatings, top-down recording and retouching on the explorations” and denounce their impunity for the use of violence. The sanctions mentioned are part of the organization's strategy of deactivation: “It is about conditioning the political practice of the future through economic sanctions.”

Aske has denounced that “while we are being sold by the Basque police”, the Ertzaintza punishes protests and mobilizations with the Mordaza Law designed by the Government of Madrid. In the face of persecution, the organization is clear that it will not be “submissive and silent”.

They call for solidarity to be opened to all corners of the Basque Country: “We invite you to participate in the day of solidarity that we will organize on October 5, as well as those that will be organized from region to region.” Finally, they stress that the organization will continue to fight for the liberation of Euskal Herria, “We have more than 153,600 reasons to keep fighting.”