The trade unions met this Wednesday morning with the Tubacex leadership. The Works Council has published a note after the meeting to assess what has happened. The members of the Commission have informed the media Aiaraldea that the meeting has been informative. In it, the management has indicated that it wants to save 10 million euros on the plants of the region, which is equivalent to an expenditure of 150 salaries. In other words, they have not said that they want to lay off 150 workers, but that they want to save themselves from spending 150 salaries, which they could achieve by lowering salaries.
After the meeting on Wednesday, the dialogue phase will open, but the management has transferred to the unions their intention to reach a "quick" agreement by October.
Workers’ representatives believe that this meeting “makes it clear” what the company’s objective is: “Earning money costs or costs, regardless of the families and people who through their efforts have allowed the company to position itself in the world.”
The trade unions have pointed out that Tubacex was born in Aiaraldea and, with the benefits gained in the region, has become a multinational. “It is surprising that at the first opportunity created and after a global crisis, the company can address a simple discourse on the cost of workers’ wages. It would be interesting to take into account, in addition to the cost, the turnover of employees, which is much higher than that generated by the management.”
According to the Works Committee, management has been willing to reach agreements, “but they have made it clear that they want everything.” The unions claim that they will comply with the agreement and recall that it established a number of investments in the plants of Llodio and Amurrio.
So the workers' representatives have been strong and assured that they will not accept "traumatic measures" to get out of the crisis. “We will not accept layoffs on the plants of the region, nor in companies such as Cotubes, Mechanical Tubes or TTA from our surroundings.”
In addition, they have asked the management "for a clearer explanation and argument" of the restructuring it intends to carry out.
In conclusion, the members of the committee have addressed the political leaders of the organisation. “We appeal to them to defend the jobs of our people, without falling into the cheap discourse that these measures will take place in other companies,” they said, referring to Arantxa Tapia’s statements last Tuesday, “this is an accomplice of a clearer than clear relocation.” In addition, the workers have also regretted that the first information appeared in the press, which they described as "disrespect".
Finally, they have called on “workers, social and political actors and citizens to join in defending the jobs of the area”.
ELA has also made a statement in which it ensures that it will fight for employment and working conditions. The union has highlighted that Tubacex has gained millions in recent years and that it wants to take advantage of the coronavirus crisis to make "all kinds of cutbacks." He also criticised Arantxa Tapia’s attitude, along the same lines as the Works Council: "When he heard about the intentions of the Basque multinational, he did not say bad words to the management, nor show solidarity with the workers." ELA believes, once again, that the advisor has aligned itself in favour of the employer. In this sense, the union has demanded that the Basque Government "avoid any kind of cut".