Young people of Legutiano occupy an empty hotel for 15 years
  • The "Hotel Expropiuon" project in Legutio begins after a group of young people from the locality occupy a hotel for 15 years empty
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2019ko abenduaren 31
Dozenaka gazte ari dira auzonalean. (Argazkia: Gedar)

A week ago, the young people of Legutiano occupied a hotel that had been empty for 15 years in the Biscayan municipality. A number of work and activities have been carried out over the past week, as well as conditioning work has been carried out. The project, named “Hotel Expropiuon”, has been presented locally and has spread throughout the Basque Country.

The hotel, built for 15 years in the same town of Legutiano, has been a reflection of speculation. It has not been used for all these years. Now they want to give "life and color" to space.

Young people from Legutiano and from all over Álava have worked on the implementation of the project. Based on “solidarity and self-organization”, they will be able to create new relations in the building, “to end the individualistic consumption relations that occur within capitalist society.

From now on, in this new space they will realize the different cultural, political and social dynamics that are already organized in Legutio. The Hotel Expropiuon will also be a space to build an alternative to the “capitalist holiday model”, which will be “critical to the socialization model based on the consumption of drugs and alcohol”.

Due to the dimension of the project, it will also be a refuge for struggles beyond the people, as it will have a “national” vision: “It will drive the struggles to overcome the tyranny of capitalist domination.” In the newspaper they have disseminated the video presentation of the project: