15 deaths and 24 injuries in the shooting at Prague University
  • Czech interior minister Vit Rakusan stressed that crime has nothing to do with ‘international terrorism’.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko abenduaren 22a
Tiroketaren unea. // Pantaila-argazkia

A shooting at the University of Philosophy in Prague leaves 15 dead and 24 injured. Among the dead is the 24-year-old aggressor. Police chief Martín Vondrce has stated that after the shooting the man committed suicide with a shot in the university corridor, pursued by the police.

The police investigate the perpetrator of the massacre. The evidence suggests that he is a 24-year-old student, a graduate in European History and a master’s degree in History. Before the shooting, the man's father was killed in Hostoun in the Kladno region. Police say the main hypothesis is that the man killed his father before going to college.

Czech internal minister Vit Rakusan has stated that there is no indication that the shooting is related to "international terrorism". As in many other cases, the authorities have used the situation to further militarize the university. Vit Rakusan stresses that fear has prevailed among citizens and that "rectors have called for strengthening campus security measures.