Errigorri has sold over 14,000 baskets and will allocate EUR 185,000 to the Basque industry
  • Ten years ago they started with baskets and raised EUR 2 million.  
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko azaroaren 15a
Hamar urte bete ditu Errigorak. // Argazkia: Errigora

More than 14,000 baskets received this year in Errigorri and raised EUR 185,000 for use in the Basque industry in Navarra. The initiative, which has reached a decade, has received a total contribution of EUR 2 million.

According to the organizers, the “harvest to the Basque country of southern Navarre” has been a “full harvest”. The money obtained shall be used for: AEK of the Ager area; Ikastolas de Tudela, Lodosa and Viana and school lines model D, and the Ageración initiative.

Euskaltzales, neighbors and neighbors of the Ribera want to make a giant photo to celebrate the anniversary. To participate, you can upload the photo on the Errigorri website.