Forecasted 14,000 vacant homes and 51,000 second in five years in Iparralde
  • A total of 232 elects have held an extraordinary assembly of the Commonwealth of Iparralde via videoconference. This year’s Budget and Local Housing Programme have been approved, but the programme has been rejected and called for “an ambitious housing policy”.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko apirilaren 13a
Bestelako etxebizitza politika baten alde EH Baik deituriko elkarretaratzea (arg: EH Bai)

The electorate has approved the Local Residency Programme for the coming years. According to the chronicle they have gathered in the news, the debate was intense: some demanded more social housing, reduced the buildings on the coast – where more housing is concentrated on the coast of Lapurdi – and increased indoors, as well as the reduction of the second homes, considering that they are built excessively. In short, according to the program, by 2026 there will be 14,000 vacant houses and 51,000 secondary dwellings of Ipar Euskal Herria. But some people were in favor of building more.

EH Bai was critical of the program and at the time of the meeting they convened a concentration in front of the College headquarters in which they claimed “an ambitious housing policy”.

Tax increase

Moreover, the Assembly also approved this year’s budgets: The budget of the Commonwealth of Iparralde amounts to EUR 630 million, of which EUR 166 million will be used for investments. Among other measures, taxes are expected to increase, such as land tax, for example.