Call for a "strong and unitary" response to the judgment in case 13/13
  • The relatives of the people arrested in summary 13/13 and various social, trade union and political agents have called to participate in the demonstrations convened on Saturday in Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebastián. "We are clear what Euskal Herria we want, but the National High Court has decided to take the opposite route," said Basque Government spokeswoman Ana Pérez.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 08a
Argazkia: @ehbildu

The Spanish National Court has sentenced four of the defendants – Arantza Zulueta, Jon Enparantza, Naia Zuriarrain and Iker Sarriegi – to prison terms of between seven and a half and three years for a crime of integration into ETA.

In a hearing before the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country in Bilbao, his relatives and agents have shown their support and solidarity and have denounced that the case has been "a long chain of cruelty" for both the defendants and their family and friends. They added that the aim of the judgment is not only to condemn the defendants, but to "punish the entire Basque society that has committed itself to peace and coexistence". They have therefore called on the public to participate in the demonstrations to be held on Saturday. They will depart at 17:30 hours from the Plaza del Sacred Heart of Bilbao and from the Sagües district of Donostia.