Banco Santander has earned over €1bn in 2023 and BBVA 8,018 million
  • Banco Santander has increased its profits by 15.3% compared to 2022. BBVA earns 26% more.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2024ko urtarrilaren 31
BBVAren dorrea, Bilbon. // Argazkia: Flickr

BBVA and Banco Santander report the results of 2023. BBVA earns a profit of 8.019 million euros, 26% more than the previous year. The Banco Santander, for its part, earns more than EUR 11 billion, with a growth of 15.3%. Both banks state that the results are partly related to the interest rate growth policies established after 2022.

BBVA has pointed out that it will allocate over 4 billion to reward shareholders through stock and dividend repurchase programmes. For its part, Banco Santander has announced that it will distribute among investors some 5.5 billion distributed between the repurchase of shares and the cash dividends.

Santander has experienced significant growth in Spain and BBVA data have increased in Spain, Mexico and Turkey. In Spain, for example, it has earned a profit of EUR 2,755 million. BBVA President Carlos Torres has pointed out that the increase in data has been based on “commercial dynamism and attracting new customers”, mainly through digital channels.