The Memory Park of the Theology of Elo brings together the memory of 106 people shot
  • This Sunday, a park was opened in the Navarre town of Elo reminiscent of the 106 people shot by Falangists and requetés between July and November 1936. It contains the common tomb of the Theology of Monreal, the largest mass grave of Navarra in the War of 36.
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On 21 October 1936, the fascists took 66 prisoners out of Tafalla prison, shot them and buried them in this grave. But the dance of Elo's death began earlier, on September 18 a group of requetés fusified 11 villages of Aoiz and buried them in this hole of Elo. During the month of October 27 towns of Tafalla, 13 of Peralta, 12 of Berbinzana and others of the surrounding villages. And so, according to the archives of the Public University of Navarra, in those months 106 people were buried in the pit of Elo.


Forgotten about Theology


In 2016, the Ahaztuak association of Theology was created in Elon and in the last three years the association has been turned to build this memory park. The Parque de la Memoria de Tequia was inaugurated with the arrival of December 15. Hundreds of people participated in the event, including the singer Fermín Valencia, the bertsolari Subai hill, the dancers, the director of the Instituto Navarro de la Memoria, José Miguel Gastón, the counselor Ana Ollo and numerous mayors and councillors from the surrounding villages.


Yesa 7 missing


In 1978, the remains of 80 people were exhumed in the first exhumation that took place in the tomb of Theology, but there is still more and soon the search work of seven Yesa neighbors will begin.


In the park, four sheets of iron have been laid by the sculptor Patxi Aldunate, with the engraved names of all those buried in this grave. As the representatives of Ahaztuak in Theology recalled, both today’s citizens and future generations will recall how in 36 thousands of people were killed by fascists against the uprising of Franco and in defence of freedom.

Here the Sunday event, in the video made by