Socialist Gazte Topagune brings together over 1,500 participants
  • The participation of the Socialist Gazte Topagune, which took place between 8 and 12 October, has been high. They have shown the motivation for the journey made so far and for further work to be done in the future. In this sense, they have taken advantage of the meeting to address various issues.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urriaren 13a
Argazkia: Gedar

Convened by the Socialist Youth Coordinator (GKS) and Ikasle Abertzaileak (IA), the Socialist Gazte Topagune has been held in Alsasua. The meeting point started on Friday, 8 October and was closed on Tuesday, 12. The meeting point has been very high, as according to the organizers more than a thousand have approached Altsasu during these five days.

According to the portal, the objective of the meeting was "to take a step further in the struggle to join forces in favor of the communist organization". The programme, organized for the five days, includes conferences, round tables, workshops, shows and others. The initiatives, round tables and conferences related to the theoretical field have served to address “strategic issues such as the capitalist crisis, the political context of Euskal Herria, the methodology to deal with oppression, the economic struggle from the socialist point of view and the struggle for political freedoms”, explained Gedar.

At the central event held on the fourth day of the meeting, the organisers were satisfied. They stated this in their reading: “The level of political content and the militant commitment that has taken place in this meeting cannot be understood without taking into account the work that the Socialist Movement has done in recent years on the model of militancy. In this sense, Altsasu has been a space to celebrate the work and trajectory of recent years”. In addition to looking back, they have looked back to the future to confirm that they will continue along the path that has taken them to this day: “We will continue along this path, laying the conditions for communism to become a real force for the freedom of humanity, and extending communist organization to all areas.”

The central event can be seen in full in Gedar's video: