10 years in jail for Kurdish professor and pacifist activist Zahra Mohammadi in Iran
  • Iranian social activist and professor Zahra Mohammadi has been incarcerated for ten years in Tehran prison, Iran. Among other things, he taught children his own language in Kurdistan, which is dependent on Kurdistan. He was tried by the Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj and concluded that "a group was being formed that sought to question national security".
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2020ko uztailaren 20a
Zahra Mohammadi ekintzaile kurdua espetxeratu dute Iranen.

The trial against Mahammadi took place on 17 February and on Wednesday, 15 July, his lawyer was informed that he had been sentenced to ten years in prison against him. The Kurdish news agency ANF today reported that the 29-year-old professor is also a pacifist activist and a member of the leadership of the Nujin Women’s Assembly.

The Kurdistan Human Rights Network has denounced the detention and reported that Mohammadi Nujin is the director of the cultural and social association and that his work includes teaching Kurdish language and literature to children. He was arrested on 23 May 2019 in the city of Sanandaj and released on 2 December of the same year after paying a bond of 700 million reais (€14,500).

In November last year, Amnesty International called for the immediate release of Zahra Mohammadi, considering that his arrest had been "absolutely unfair". Ai reported in the interrogations to Mohammadi that he was threatened with arrest of his relatives if he did not cooperate and that, despite having gastroenteritis, he was not offered any kind of medical assistance while being detained.

Professor Zahra Mohammadi with several children.

The Nujin socio-cultural association is a civil organisation that has been teaching the Kurdish language for years in several cities. The Kurdistan Human Rights Network stresses that this association played an important role in monitoring and obtaining supplies to the population in the earthquake that devastated the surrounding area of Lorestan a few months ago.

Social media is campaigning for Mohammadi with the following hashtags: #FreeZahra #FreeZahra #FreeZahra #Value Much_AllOccupied #FreeZahra #FreeZahra #FreeZahra #FreeZahra #FreeZahra #AllAllAllAllAllAllAllAll#FreeZahra #FreeZahra #FreeFreeZahra